Look deep into the eyes of the girl in the middle and you will see the same thing that all attractive asain girls see every single day of their lifes, envy. Thats right, the green eyed monster that inhibits folks. Theres a number of interpretations that could be applied to this image, perhaps the strategically placed girl had summoned the photographer over and was mid-pose, just as the hot chicks decided to ruin her little moment and extract the limelight via a smooch. A very plausible explanation some may say, but I think the reality is that the girl in the middle just wants a piece of the action...who who'd blame her, I mean look at the lashes of the one of the left. You see, there was once a time when in fear of jepordising our moral ethics and cultural values we wouldnt even pout in fear of being ridiculed and having our good name tarnished. Today is 2011, society has evolved and so has the modern brit-asain girl, more experimental than ever, she longs to seek new avenues to satisfy her thrust for all things forbidden. Truth be known, I want a piece of this action too. Three-way popppy anyone?
*update* it has been brought to my attention, by a very close compadre of mine that I missed a vital element to this picture...look closely and you will see a eyeball in the top left corner, dare I suggest this belongs to the parent of one of these mischievous girls..ready to embark on a onslaught of chappal slapping...
This photo is creepy in everyday, especially with that random person in the corner. I think the girl in the photo just had her photo opt ruined!
Those chicks can interrupt my photos any day!
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